// MetaKube Accelerator

Managed Kubernetes advanced for DevOps

MetaKube Accelerator combines Kubernetes, open source tools and your software development using state-of-the-art cloud-native technology.

MetaKube Accelerator Header
// Efficient and modular software development

The DevOps toolchain for agile and secure setups

With the coordinated MetaKube Accelerator modules, you make your team faster and manage your projects efficiently yourself. We use precisely these modules ourselves in the client projects we manage:

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MetaKube Accelerator Building Blocks Logos
// Overview

MetaKube Accelerator Building Blocks

With the help of an integrated CI/CD pipeline, you can create complete setups with the Building Blocks and simply have to add your application. 

Kube Prometheus Logo
Prometheus is the most popular monitoring project in the open source community. You can visualise your data in dynamic, interactive dashboards.

Loki Promtail Logo
Loki is a logging tool from Grafana. The direct connection to Grafana facilitates analysis and visualisation. Logs can now be structured to simplify the search.

Tideways Daemon Logo
Tideways provides you with detailed information about the performance of your e-commerce shop from the frontend and checkout to the backend and background processes.

Ingress Logo
Ingress / NGINX
The Ingress Controller connects your web-based application to the public. The primary Ingress Load Balancer is terminated via SSL/TLS.
External DNS Logo
External DNS
ExternalDNS automatically sets up public DNS records. You can dynamically control your domains in your Kubernetes clusters.

CERT Manager Logo
Cert Manager
The Cert Manager monitors the validity of your SSL/TSL certificates and renews them as needed. In a dynamic environment, SSL certificates are constantly generated.
OpenVPN Logo
OpenVPN is GNU GPL licensed, and you can establish VPN connections to secure your Kubernetes cluster and protect it from unauthorised access.

Redis HA Logo
Redis means Remote Dictionary Server and is an in-memory database with a simple key-value data structure, a NoSQL database.
RabbitMQ Logo
RabbitMQ is an implementation of the Advanced Messaging Queue Protocol and manages the exchange of messages between sender and receiver.
PXC Operator Logo
Percona XtraDB Cluster offers a scalable and redundant MySQL or PostgreSQL database right from the start with its Kubernetes operator.

Memchached Logo
Memcached interacts perfectly with Redis and ensures, to cache data and objects in RAM to reduce the number of times an external data source must be read.
PostgreSQL Logo
PostgreSQL is an open source-based database management system. We provide you with a scalable installation, including automated backups and integrated monitoring

Elasticsearch Logo
elasticsearch is an open distributed search engine and analytics engine, from textual to numeric to structured and unstructured data.
Velero Logo
Velero is a reliable tool for backup and recovery, disaster recovery and migration of Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.

MetaKube Accelerator Kubernetes Service Layer 1–3
// From Developer for Deveolper

Cloud Native Tools like Terraform, GitLab & Container Registry

Our experts have provided additional developer and DevOps tools to ensure the high demands of company-wide and cross-departmental collaboration. With the SysEleven Terraform Provider, you can control your CLI workflows. With GitLab, you have an overview of your CI/CD pipelines, and with the Container Registry, your images have a central place. 

This way, you can use other components of the Cloud Native universe without worrying about the management of the tools. You can use all tools via single sign-on with appropriate roles and rights distribution.

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// Your benefits at a glance

Fast and secure deployment of modern software

Code Repository

Based on GitLab you can manage your developed code and CI/CD pipeline.

Compliance & Security

MetaKube Accelerator tests every resource within a Building Block for you. This allows Critical Vulnerability Errors (CVEs) to be communicated more precisely.

Onboarding and Trainings

With our Onboarding Success Packs you get support in setting up your projects

Integrated Development Platform

You get everything from a single source. Central contact persons and support are available to you in full.

Container Registry

With the SysEleven Container Registry you can manage your images centrally and securely.

Continuous testing

With MetaKube Accelerator, you create a 1:1 copy of your productive environment to run your integration, UI and other tests.

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Get started now with
MetaKube Accelerator

Our experts will be happy to talk to you about your Kubernetes strategy and the use of MetaKube Accelerator.