// Berlin, 03 June 2024

SysEleven: smartsteuer protects sensitive tax data in the SysEleven OpenStack Cloud

  • Heads up! Submit your tax return now: SysEleven scales up when everyone comes at the same time
  • Strict data protection requirements fulfilled
  • Flexible integration of Elster certificate management and authentication

Berlin, 03 June 2024 – You don’t even need the back of an envelope. The Hanover-based tech tax company smartsteuer is now relying on SysEleven OpenStack Cloud’s security and performance to ensure that its online tax returns are processed smoothly: SysEleven, the Berlin-based managed cloud and Kubernetes provider, meets the strict data protection requirements for processing highly sensitive tax data.


SysEleven monitors and records current or foreseeable loads in real time. Additional capacities are quickly added at the end of the month, for example. A particular advantage is that SysEleven only charges for scaling the services according to how much resources are actually used. Elster’s sophisticated certificate management and authentication were made possible by the flexible integration of physical servers in SysEleven’s data center.

“Financial data is among the most sensitive information of taxpayers and companies. We are therefore particularly proud that smartsteuer relies on SysEleven’s sovereign cloud infrastructure with MetaKube and OpenStack for its solution,” says Norbert Müller, Managing Director of SysEleven and Vice President Cloud Solutions at secunet.


“In critical periods such as before deadlines, the scalability, reliability and availability of the services are particularly important, and our experience with SysEleven has been excellent,” explains smartsteuer Managing Director Eike Hirsch.

Cloud-native solutions from SysEleven

SysEleven is one of the most experienced German experts for Managed Kubernetes, making it the ideal partner for companies that want to modernize their IT and rely on a private and public cloud infrastructure that is dependable, modern, innovative, and sovereign. With the “MetaKube” Kubernetes solutions, customers can implement scalable projects with full GDPR protection. The fair and transparent pricing structure contains no hidden costs and thus ensures a low total cost of ownership (TCO). Experienced cloud and Kubernetes experts provide advice on cloud-native adaptation, and SysEleven also offers individual contract options and personal contacts.

About smartsteuer

smartsteuer is Germany’s leading provider of online tax returns for private individuals,  self-employed people, and small businesses. Launched in 2010, smartsteuer is one of the pioneers in the field of online tax returns. It quickly developed into one of a leader in that field. Since August 2012, the start-up has been majority-owned by Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG, a company of the Haufe Group.


smartsteuer easily handles corporate tax and VAT returns, and since 2016, business partnerships have also been able to prepare their separate and uniform assessments, while sole proprietors can prepare their separate assessments, all using smartsteuer. Today, the business is managed by Stefan Heine and Eike Hirsch. The company is based in Hanover and has 46 employees. Find out more at https://www.smartsteuer.de/.

About SysEleven

SysEleven GmbH serves more than 250 customers in the D/A/CH market and employs over 150 people. As a cloud and Kubernetes managed service provider, SysEleven specializes in the operation of distributed and business-critical systems and the rapid scaling of workloads. The wholly owned subsidiary of Germany’s leading cybersecurity company secunet Security Networks AG supports organizations that want to complete their transformation to cloud native and value speed, flexibility and autonomy.


SysEleven’s service portfolio consists of comprehensive services – from concept consulting and Kubernetes training to fully managed operation. At the heart of the vertical technology stack is “MetaKube”, a managed Kubernetes offering that enables organizations to develop and operate web-based software products. SysEleven has been a member of the Cloud Computing Native Foundation (CNCF) and a certified Kubernetes provider since 2018.


SysEleven places great importance on data protection and digital sovereignty and is therefore certified for the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS). All solutions are therefore hosted exclusively in ISO27001-certified German data centers. This enables customers and partners to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The range of services offered by the company, which was founded in 2007, includes Managed Cloud Services, an OpenStack Public Cloud, Managed Kubernetes, and various network services. Its customers include DFS Aviation Services, FTAPI, smartsteuer, VHV Versicherungen, FarmFacts, medgate, Der Tagesspiegel, and Golem.de. You can find out more at https://www.syseleven.de.


Christin Rehbein

Stefen Niemeyer