Learn more about our success stories
SysEleven & Isovalent
SysEleven opted for Cilium to simplify networking, enhance observability
SysEleven selected Cilium as their networking, security, and observability solution for their cloud platform due to its simplicity, native routing capabilities, and prominence in the cloud native ecosystem.
SysEleven & Tegel Projekt GmbH
Berlin TXL operates urban data platform with Managed Kubernetes
The ‘Urban Tech Republic (UTR)’ research and industrial park and the FUTR HUB are being built on the site of the former Tegel Airport. Tegel Projekt GmbH, which has been entrusted with the development, has set up a cloud-native infrastructure with Managed Kubernetes for this purpose.
SysEleven & XPERTyme
Why XPERTyme is GDPR-compliant and cloud native ready
Two factors are particularly important for XPERTyme: data protection and ease of scaling. Both can be guaranteed with the help of Berlin-based cloud and Kubernetes specialist SysEleven.
SysEleven & Bare.ID
Why a niche provider outperforms hyperscalers
After none of the hyperscalers were able to fulfil Bare.ID’s requirements, the IAM and SSO specialist decided to entrust its Kubernetes environment to the German cloud and Kubernetes provider SysEleven.
SysEleven & alfaview
alfaview implements GDPR-compliant video conferencing solution with SysEleven
When a strong increase in demand for video conferencing became apparent on the market, alfatraining wanted to further develop its solution, which had previously been used purely in-house, as a SaaS product.
SysEleven & NEXT Farming
NEXT Farming modernizes their infrastructure with Managed Kubernetes from SysEleven
NEXT Farming wanted to create a high-performance and flexible IT infrastructure for its agricultural solutions that would enable it to process seasonally fluctuating data volumes quickly.
SysEleven & NTT
SysEleven customers benefit from georedundancy and high availability
SysEleven decided to build another data centre in Frankfurt in order to meet future customer requirements for geo-redundant cloud setups.
SysEleven & Intel
SysEleven Improves IaaS Flexibility with Hyperconverged Infrastructure and Intel® Technology
To meet growing customer demand for container orchestration and management, SysEleven needed to develop an IaaS based on an OpenStack cloud environment.
SysEleven & f5 and NGINX
SysEleven secures network services with F5 and NGINX
SysEleven uses solutions from F5 Networks and NGINX and can therefore utilise services with the best possible functions for load balancing and security for its own applications as well as for customer applications.