General terms and conditions and service level agreements

SysEleven – General terms and conditions

Last updated: September 2024

1. General

  1. SysEleven GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “SysEleven”) is a subsidiary of secunet Security Networks AG and offers products and services (hereinafter referred to as “Services’) in the area of cloud services, web hosting, managed services in the B2B area. The client (hereinafter referred to as “the Client”) would like to make use of these services in accordance with the following contractual terms and conditions.
  2. The services are not intended for consumers as defined by Section 13 of the BGB. SysEleven reserves the right to request suitable proof of the classification of the Client as a business.
  3. The present terms, as well as the product-specific conditions where relevant, apply exclusively. The Client’s general terms of business and/or purchase conditions do not apply, unless their validity is expressly agreed in text form at minimum.

2. Object of the contract

  1. Under this contract (framework agreement), SysEleven offers the Client the offer to temporarily use the service in exchange for a fee.
  2. Concrete details on the specific service to be provided by SysEleven can be found in the accepted offer, the product-specific conditions, service level agreement and service descriptions (also jointly referred to as “Individual contract”).
  3. The integral components of the contract are listed below in their order of priority:
    1. These General Terms and Conditions
    2. Individual contract
      1. Offer
      2. Service Level Agreements (where relevant)
  • Product-specific conditions including their annexes
  1. Description of service
  1. General contract of use
  1. In the event of contradictions between these General Terms and Conditions and the individual contract, the order of priority as listed above shall apply in descending order.

3. Conclusion of contract, registration

  1. User registration is required in order to use SysEleven’s services. SysEleven offers the Client the option of using this service either through onboarding by an employee of SysEleven or as self-service if this is available for the specific service. By carrying out user registration and creating an organisation in SysEleven’s onboarding service, the Client concludes a framework agreement regarding the use of SysEleven’s services. The user is entitled to create or be assigned to multiple organisations. Organisation refers to the company that is the contracting party of SysEleven (hereinafter referred to as “Client”).
  2. Onboarding by an employee of SysEleven:
    After order acceptance, the organisation and user accounts are created for the appointed contact persons. Then a project is created by the Client or SysEleven.
  3. Registration as self-service:
    The registration process is divided into the following steps:
    1. Registering a user account – admin account
      For registration, the user enters a work e-mail address, first and last name as well as password.
      SysEleven uses a double opt-in procedure. Clicking on the link provided in the confirmation e-mail concludes the user registration process.
    2. Creating an organisation
      After the user is registered successfully, an organisation is created. To create the organisation it is necessary to communicate the business name of the company, the company’s registered address and a billing address if this is not the same as the registered address.
      Once the organisation has been created successfully, the organisation (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) is released and the user is able to access SysEleven’s fee-based services. By creating the organisation, the user declares their authorisation to submit legally binding declarations on behalf of the company.
    3. Registration of other users:
      Once the organisation has been registered and created successfully, the user is authorised to invited other users to join the organisation. The additional users receive an e-mail in which they are invited to register and join the organisation. To register, it is necessary to provide a work e-mail address, first and last name as well as password. Here as well, a double opt-in procedure is used. The user receives a confirmation e-mail at the work e-mail address provided. Clicking on the link provided in this e-mail concludes the registration process. The first time a user logs in after an invitation, the user has to confirm the invitation in order to join that organisation. After registering successfully and accepting the invitation, this user can access SysEleven’s services. The Client’s admin account is able to restrict and expand the rights of all users. All users can trigger costs by calling up services if they are granted corresponding rights.
  4. The processing of data provided during the registration process is described in the Privacy Policy.
  5. SysEleven is entitled to block access to the user account if
    1. there is reason to suspect that the access data for the user account has been compromised. In this case, SysEleven will inform the user using the contact information that the user has saved in the user account (business e-mail address).
    2. the Client fails to fulfil the payment obligation for the services acquired from SysEleven despite being reminded to do so.
    3. the Client files an application to open insolvency proceedings, or the Client has ceased to make payments more than temporarily, or if insolvency proceedings are opened regarding the Client’s assets, or the opening of such proceedings is rejected due to lack of assets.

4. Provision of services

  1. The provision of services is subject to the prerequisites outlined under “Conclusion of contract, registration”.
  2. All services ordered by the Client are assigned to projects. Where possible, these projects are created by the Client itself or by SysEleven.
  3. SysEleven performs the service (IT service) for the Client on its own public cloud platforms. These are platforms divided between all clients. The use of resources is based on the fair use model. SysEleven does not provide any guarantees for a minimum quantity of resources, such as compute power, bandwidth or storage. The Client uses the services of the SysEleven public cloud in such as a way that the use of the services by other clients is not impaired. SysEleven reserves the right to take action in the event of improper use to protect the availability for other clients and their projects.
  4. The Client is aware of the support services offered. The Client knows which services are covered by support.
  5. SysEleven provides the service to the Client in accordance with the individual contract. The Client is obligated to accept the minimum quantity specified in the individual contract.
  6. For the provision of IT services, SysEleven ensures that sufficient capacity is available to temporarily cover higher needs of the Client within normal magnitudes. Requirements above and beyond this are implemented based on availability. The Client has the option to inform SysEleven at any time in a binding request to increase the capacity of the IT services used by the Client, with advance notice of 2 months, so that availability can be agreed and ensured. If SysEleven provides the service on its infrastructure, this shall be made available at the interface between the data network within which the service runs (transfer point) and other networks. SysEleven shall not be responsible for establishing and maintaining the data connection between the Client’s IT system and the transfer point.
  7. SysEleven is entitled to update its service and provide this to the Client instead of the service provided for use at the start of the specific contract (individual contract), as long as this change is reasonable for the Client to accept. Changes involve, for example, updates/upgrades to underlying software or are necessary because of technical requirements.
  8. SysEleven continuously develops its services and is entitled to change them at any time in this regard. SysEleven informs the Client regarding developments that could impact the Client’s ordered services, as well as regarding any cancellation or definitive discontinuation of services. This information will be provided at least thirty (30) days before actual implementation of the development in text form. The Client is entitled to terminate the service in question within thirty (30) days after receiving the information. If the Client uses the service above and beyond the aforementioned grace period, this change is deemed as accepted by the Client.
  9. The Client agrees to always use the latest versions of applications, tools and software provided by SysEleven.
  10. If unscheduled changes are made, for instance for security reasons, the Client will be informed as quickly as possible. The Client is not entitled to a newer version of the originally provided service.

5. Cooperation of the customer

  1. The Client obtains access data to access SysEleven’s service, and can create and manage additional access data depending on the service. All access data must be kept confidential at all times and must not be made available to unauthorised third parties. If the Client suspects or becomes aware that its access data was used without authorisation, the Client will inform SysEleven promptly and make reasonable efforts to prevent the unauthorised use. The Client shall be solely responsible for all activities relating to its access data.
  2. SysEleven is entitled to delete a user account if the registration process is not completed within an appropriate period of time.
  3. The Client is obligated to provide the assistance required to render the agreed services. In particular, the Client shall provide free of charge all the necessary information and documents and shall appoint a sufficiently qualified contact person with a sufficient level of authorisation. Information and documents that the Client must provide are essential foundations for the implementation of the agreed services. The Client shall be liable if it provides erroneous and/or incomplete information.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed in the individual contract, the Client is independently responsible for backing up the data and information saved by the Client on the servers provided by SysEleven. The Client will back up these data and information outside of SysEleven’s services.
  5. If, during the provision of services, SysEleven receives materials, data and other information from the Client (“client materials”), the Client must ensure that it retains a copy of this data for backup purposes. The Client shall also make sure that data stored on SysEleven’s systems is free from any malware.
  6. The Client is fully responsible for updates that fall under its sphere of responsibility. Before the update, the Client must ensure that the necessary backups for recovery are available and that the new versions have been reviewed for correct functionality in the project.
  7. SysEleven shall not be required to provide its contractual services if and to the extent that the Client does not fulfil its obligations to assist SysEleven. In such an event, any schedules shall be automatically and appropriately amended. If the Client is responsible for the non-fulfilment of its obligations to assist SysEleven, the Client is not released from its payment obligation, and if SysEleven incurs more extensive damages as a result, the Client shall be required to compensate for these damages.
  8. If the Client independently installs software on the service provided by SysEleven, the Client is responsible for ensuring the functional capacity of the independently installed software.
  9. If the Client fails to fulfil its obligations of collaboration during the update of software under its sphere of responsibility despite repeated reminders, SysEleven reserves the right to conduct these updates itself. SysEleven will set an appropriate deadline for the Client for the update.
    30 days before an update carried out by SysEleven, SysEleven will inform the Client
    1. that SysEleven will perform an update, and when this will occur,
    2. and which new version the software will have after the update.
  10. The Client is obliged to inform SysEleven immediately and as precisely as possible in the event of malfunctions, interruptions or limitations to the services. If the Client fails to cooperate, Section 536c BGB applies analogously.

6. Rights of use

  1. SysEleven grants the Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable right of use, restricted in terms of content to the contract purpose and restricted spatially to the place of contractual use, restricted in time to the duration of the contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed between the Client and SysEleven.
  2. The Client is only allowed to edit the software if this was expressly agreed or covered by the intended use of the software according to the individual contract.
  3. The Client is only authorised to make changes, additions and other revisions as defined by Section 69 c No. 2 UrhG insofar as the law permits such actions as essential and/or a deviating regulation was expressly agreed upon.
  4. The Client is only entitled to carry out decompilation within the limits of Section 69 e UrhG and only to establish interoperability with other software once SysEleven has provided the necessary data and/or information after a written request stipulating an appropriate deadline. Apart from this, the Client is not entitled without an express deviating agreement with SysEleven to obtain further business secrets through observation, examination, dismantling or tests (“reverse engineering”) if the software provided is not publicly available.
  5. The Client is only allowed to provide the service to third parties, whether for a free or free of charge, if this is covered by the intended use of the service according to the individual contract.
  6. The Client must comply with the licence terms of the software used. If the software licence requires SysEleven to provide the software to the Client, SysEleven will make this available for retrieval.
  7. If the Client transfers copyrighted content (e.g. images, brands and other content protected by copyright or trademark law) to SysEleven due to its cooperation obligations, it shall grant SysEleven a non-exclusive right of use, restricted in terms of content to the contract purpose and restricted spatially to the place of contractual use, restricted in time to the duration of the contract, in order to perform the agreed services.
  8. The Client ensures that it possesses all the rights to the client materials it transfers needed to grant such rights to SysEleven. If the Client is not the holder of the necessary rights, the Client must obtain the necessary rights from the rights holder.
  9. If work results are developed on the Client’s behalf, SysEleven grants the Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable right of use, restricted in terms of content to the contract purpose and restricted spatially to the place of contractual use, restricted in time to the duration of the contract, unless legal restrictions and/or third party rights of use oppose this and unless a more extensive right of use was expressly agreed between the Client and SysEleven with reference to this regulation.

7. Terms of use

  1. The Client will not use SysEleven’s service in such a way that compromises the service provided to the Client by SysEleven or in such a way that restricts SysEleven’s ability to deliver services to its clients.
  2. Moreover, the Client will not use SysEleven’s service for improper and/or unlawful purposes, or to an extent that endangers public safety. Improper purposes particularly include distributing, downloading or publishing content and/or activities that could prejudice or impair third-party rights. Improper purposes also include the publication and distribution of materials depicting sexual abuse of children, content that could impair and/or severely morally endanger the well-being of children and young people, cyberstalking, content aimed at inciting violence among the public or terrorism, content that leads to criminal offences or is unlawful for other reasons.
  3. If and insofar as SysEleven obtains knowledge of breaches against the terms of use, SysEleven will block and/or delete the content in question. SysEleven obtains knowledge when requested by the responsibility authorities or a court to block or delete specific content. SysEleven also obtains knowledge if a user reports content that violates the terms of use. SysEleven does not moderate the content on its services.
  4. SysEleven will inform the Client regarding the blocking/deletion of its content, as long as this is permitted by law or pursuant to a law.
  5. If knowledge is obtained based on a report from user, SysEleven will review whether to continue blocking the content, under consideration of all interests and preserving the principle of reasonable effort.
  6. If the Client’s content is blocked/erased, the Client is entitled to contest this decision.
  7. If the Client violates these terms, SysEleven is entitled to terminate the contract without notice. This applies in particular if blocking/erasing the content occurs based on an official or court order. The Client releases SysEleven from all damages and claims of third parties that are generated by the breach and shall hold SysEleven harmless.

8. Contract duration and termination, end of contract and settlement

  1. The framework agreement is concluded for an unlimited period and begins upon acceptance of the offer. The duration of use for the specific service provided by SysEleven is oriented on the agreement in the specific individual contracts. The term of the specific individual contract starts on the date SysEleven provides the service to the Client.
  2. If an automatic extension of the term is agreed for a specific service, this is based on the agreement in the individual contract.
  3. The notice period for termination is based on the agreement in the individual contract. If no notice period is agreed, the following applies: If a commitment of at least 12 months is agreed in an individual contract, the term is extended by an additional twelve months unless the individual contract is terminated in writing after the expiry of the minimum term with a notice period of six (6) months to the end of the specific term. If the use of on-demand service is agreed in the individual contract, no fixed term is agreed. The Client can stop using the on-demand service at any time without requiring termination.
  4. Termination of an individual contract or ceasing use of the on-demand service does not imply a termination of the framework agreement.
  5. To terminate the framework agreement, it is necessary to delete the organisation in the onboarding service. An organisation is deleted by the last remaining user of an organisation. Deleting the organisation is only possible after terminating all individual contracts, subject to the restriction that the termination of the framework agreement only takes affect when the last remaining individual contract has ended.
  6. The right to termination without notice shall remain unaffected by this.
  7. Discontinuing use of the service leads to the deletion of the data generated by or saved in the service. The Client will independently backup and delete these data before discontinuing use, as long as SysEleven grants access to the data.
  8. On request, SysEleven can work closely with the Client and third parties appointed by the Client and shall ensure that no disruptions to the provision of the services occur during the transition period. It shall also work to ensure that the Client or third party appointed by the Client is in a position to begin performing the services forming the object of this contract after the contract comes to an end. To this extend, SysEleven can prepare and hand over corresponding documentation. The Client shall assist with this.
  9. SysEleven shall continue to be entitled to receive payment for its work in the form of its monthly fee and shall continue to be reimbursed for all other costs until the service is definitively discontinued. Depending on the individual case, it may be agreed that the fee to be paid for each calendar month, the agreed level of availability and the guarantee conditions be reduced for this period.
  10. Following receipt of the written notification that the Client has been able to read and process all the data transferred, the data stored on the systems at SysEleven’s data centre shall be deleted and SysEleven shall inform the Client of this deletion in writing. To clarify: If the Client continues to use the service after the end of the individual contract term due to a pending switch to its own IT systems or to another provider or for another reason after the end of the individual contract, this use must be paid for until final discontinuation of use. This further use does not extend a terminated contractual relationship or establish a new contract regarding the use of the services.

9. Fee, payment and invoicing procedures, price adjustment

  1. For each project, a monthly invoice is drawn up including all services performed within the context of this project.
  2. Billing is carried out according to the prices indicated in the individual contract, or according to the valid price list at the time of ordering the service as a self-service based on the volume consumed or the service booked. Invoice items for which the amount is known in advance in the month of settlement are invoiced in advance on a monthly basis. Services that are billed based on consumption, such as traffic, are billed subsequently in the following month. Unless otherwise indicated in the product-specific conditions, the Client only pays for the actual use of the service. This is recorded on an hourly basis at least. Every commenced hour is settled retrospectively in the following month (“Pay as you go” model). The prices are based on the price list valid on the date on which the specific individual contract was concluded.
  3. Unless indicated otherwise, all prices stated by SysEleven do not include the applicable statutory value-added tax. Additional chargeable services which the Client also decides to make use of following the conclusion of the Contract shall be charged for in accordance with the price list valid at this time or by agreement between SysEleven and the Client.
  4. If it is agreed that a fixed price should be paid as a one-off sum, this must be paid in full on receipt of the invoice. If it is agreed that a fixed price should be paid in instalments, the agreed instalment must be paid in full on receipt of the partial invoice.
  5. If the agreed services are paid for on the basis of actual use, monthly invoices shall be issued for the preceding month. These invoices shall be prepared on the basis of records of the services provided. If services are calculated based on time, the intervals are derived from the corresponding service descriptions. The records of the services provided shall be deemed to have been accepted if the Client does not object to them within ten (10) working days of receipt.
  6. SysEleven is entitled at its due discretion to adjust the prices for its service based on the development of costs that are authoritative for price calculation. Price increases are considered and price discounts are adopted if, for example, the costs for procuring energy or other significant changes in market conditions lead to an altered cost situation. Increases in a cost type may only be used as the basis for a price increase to the extent that they are not offset by any decrease in costs within other areas. In the event of cost decreases, e.g. electricity costs, SysEleven must discount the prices if these cost decreases are not offset in whole or in part by increases within other areas. SysEleven will select the specific times for a price change by exercising its due discretion in such a way that cost decreases are not applied according to less favourable benchmarks for the Client than cost increases; in other words, cost decreases affect the price at least to an equal degree as cost increases.
  7. The provisions regarding remuneration and pricing shall also apply accordingly to the agreed partial performance of services and partial invoices.
  8. Invoices shall be sent electronically by email in PDF format. A fee shall be charged for dispatch by all other methods.
  9. Invoices must be paid in full within ten (10) days on receipt. The definition of what constitutes a delay in payment and the consequences of such a delay shall be in line with statutory provisions. If a payment owed by a Client is more than three months overdue or has been requested for the third time, SysEleven reserves the right to terminate the contract without notice. If part of an invoice is being disputed, the undisputed amount must always be paid in full.
  10. The Client is only entitled to offset amounts arising from outstanding claims that are uncontested or established by legal decision. The Client can only assert a right of retention based on counterclaims from the specific contractual relationship.

10. Third-party products

  1. If third-party software products are used for SysEleven’s service, the licence terms of the third-party provider shall apply.
  2. SysEleven will provide the Client with the licence terms of third-party software if the Client procures this software through SysEleven and manages it independently.
  3. The Client is aware that the terms of third-party software products may be modified by those third parties. If such changes to the terms would impact SysEleven’s provision of services to the Client, SysEleven is entitled but not obligated to use an appropriate substitute in order to provide the agreed-upon service. SysEleven will inform the Client of changes in advance.
  4. If the software contains faults, SysEleven is entitled to provide a substitute solution.

11. Maintenance work

SysEleven reserves the right to conduct maintenance work on a regular basis both on the underlying hardware and on the software required for providing the services in order to maintain the security and availability and for ongoing development of the services.

12. Support

The Client is allowed, where relevant, to choose between different support plans. Information regarding support plans can be called up on the website or found in the individual contract.

13. Service Level Agreement – Service level objectives

Unless otherwise specified in the service level agreement, SysEleven does not guarantee the availability of the services offered. Malfunctions in these services are eliminated as quickly as possible.

14. Guarantee, limitation period, liability

  1. SysEleven guarantees the functional capacity and operational readiness of the service. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in the following or in the individual contract, the statutory guarantee regulations apply.
  2. For defects in the service provided by SysEleven, SysEleven is liable according to the guarantee provisions of lease law (Sections 536 et seq. BGB), yet subject to the condition that, by way of derogation from Section 536a (1) BGB, there is only an obligation to pay damages in the event of fault as agreed in the specific individual contract.
  3. Defects must be reported promptly using the contact details available on SysEleven’s website, including a detailed description of the defect being reported. Reported faults must be reproducible.
  4. Defects are present if SysEleven’s service does not fulfil the level of performance agreed in the individual contract when used properly according to the contract, and this has a significant impact on its suitability for the use agreed in the individual contract.
  5. The Client may not assert any guarantee claims
    1. for only minor deviations from the agreed quality, or only minor impairments in the usability of SysEleven’s products
    2. in the event of improper operation by the Client
    3. if hardware, software or other equipment configurations are used by the Client which are not suitable for using the service,
    4. if the Client fails to report a defect promptly and SysEleven was unable to remedy the situation due to this failure to promptly report the defect, or
    5. if the Client is aware of the defect when concluding the contract and the Client did not reserve this right despite express reference to this provision.
  6. If the Client reported a defect and the Client’s guarantee claims are not excluded, SysEleven is entitled to rectify the defect within an appropriate deadline through measures chosen at its due discretion. The Client will give SysEleven a suitable amount of time and opportunity to rectify the defect. Subsequent performance is also fulfilled if the Client is shown options for preventing the defect from having an impact. An equivalent new program level of the software underlying the service, or an equivalent prior program level of the software underlying the software which did not contain a defect, must be provided as long as this is reasonable for the Client to accept.
  7. If eliminating the defect is impossible or unsuccessful, or in the event of a culpable or unreasonable delay, or serious and final refusal to eliminate the defect on the part of SysEleven, the Client is entitled in particular to reduce the fee owed according to the extent of the negative impact (reduction), insofar as the Client requests the credit specified in the individual contract within ten (10) days.
  8. The limitation period for guarantee and damage claims is one year from the start of the statutory limitation period. Insofar as the law prescribes maximum periods for the limitation of guarantee and damage claims, however, the claims become time-barred by the end of these statutory maximum periods at the latest. Claims to withdrawal or reduction, however, which can only be declared within one year after the provision of the service, become time-barred no earlier than three months after the declaration of withdrawal or reduction is submitted, i.e. fifteen months after the provision of the service at the latest.
  9. Regardless of the legal reason, SysEleven is only liable for damages and reimbursement of wasted expenditure in the event of wilful intent or gross negligence, or in the event of culpable violation of cardinal contract duties. For violations of cardinal contract duties, SysEleven’s liability is restricted to typically foreseeable damages, except in cases of wilful intent or gross negligence.
  10. Liability for data loss is restricted to the expense of recovery which would have been incurred if reliable backup copies had been produced regularly according to the level of risk and the necessary preventive measures had been carried out under the Client’s area of responsibility. Section 254 of the BGB remains unaffected.
  11. These limitations of liability do not apply for personal injuries, for legal liability according to product liability law or if a guarantee was issued.
  12. These limitations of liability also apply directly to the benefit of the employees, representatives and aides of SysEleven.
  13. SysEleven declares that it holds all the necessary rights for the fulfilment of this contract and its intended purpose.
  14. If a third party asserts to one of the contracting parties that a service offered by the other party violates its rights, this contracting party will promptly notify the other party. The contract party that is violating a third party’s rights is entitled but not obligated, where permitted, to defend against the asserted claims at its own cost. The other contracting party is not permitted to acknowledge third-party claims without the prior consent of the contracting party that violated the third party’s rights, or to concede the accuracy of the underlying facts or conclude a settlement in this regard.
  15. The same applies for third-party claims asserted against one contracting party due to actions of the other contracting party that violate anti-trust law or intellectual property law.
  16. If SysEleven performs services on request during troubleshooting or elimination of faults without being obligated to do so, SysEleven is permitted to demand remuneration in line with its usual rates. This applies in particular if no demonstrable defect is found.

15. Confidentiality

  1. Confidential information refers to all information about circumstances associated with business operation that is only known to a small, limited group of individuals, i.e. not public knowledge, and which must be kept secret due to a legitimate interest of the business owner, regardless of the nature and form of this information. This category particularly includes verbal information, writings, memoranda, reports, documents, investigations, analysis, drawings, letters, computer print-outs, software programs, specifications, data, graphic representations, tables, audio recordings, visual reproductions as well as any copies of the information outlined above for which the disclosing party has adopted suitable confidentiality measures.
  2. The parties will treat confidential information as strictly confidential and will not disclose the information to third parties without the prior written consent of the other party. None of the companies named below are considered third parties: secunet Security Networks AG, secunet International GmbH & Co. KG, secunet International Management GmbH, insofar as information must be disclosed to these parties as part of SysEleven’s implementation of the contract purpose. The parties are each allowed to disclose confidential information to those employees who require the specific confidential information for the purpose of performing the contract, insofar as the employee in questions has committed to maintain confidentiality through a written declaration of confidentiality.
  3. The abovementioned obligation does not apply for information which
    1. was already public knowledge at the time it was received by the receiving party;
    2. was already in the possession of the receiving party at the time it was received by the receiving party;
    3. became public knowledge after receipt without the involvement of the receiving party;
    4. was made available by a third party without an obligation of secrecy and non-use, subject to the condition that this third party did not receive this information directly or indirectly from the receiving party, or
    5. is required to be disclosed due to legal provisions, official or judicial decisions. The disclosing party only has to inform the party who revealed the information insofar as legal provisions, official or judicial decisions prescribe notification regarding the disclosure of confidential information.
  4. If the contracting parties have not reached a deviating agreement, the confidentiality obligations cease to apply five (5) years after the termination of the framework agreement according to the provisions of this paragraph.

16. Data protection

If the parties obtain access to personal data under the framework of the contractual purpose, they must collaborate with any third parties who are contractually associated with them in connection with the contractual products in order to safeguard the requirements of data protection pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the locally applicable national legal regulations on data protection, and protect these data using state-of-the-art methods. Where necessary, the parties will conclude a contract processing agreement pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR.

17. Compliance

  1. The Client is obligated to observe the rules of the Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners (Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners), and in particular the applicable legal regulations for combating corruption along with the applicable regulations of anti-trust law.
  2. In the event of a violation against these obligations, SysEleven is entitled to terminate this contract without notice. The Client releases SysEleven from all damages and claims of third parties that are generated by the breach and shall hold SysEleven harmless.

18. Use of the Client’s details for advertising purposes

  1. When providing lists of existing clients for advertising purposes on its own website or in its own documents, SysEleven may indicate the services which are to be or have already been provided for the Client and may also use the Client’s logo and company name (abbreviated if necessary) for this purpose. In addition, SysEleven may publish press releases about the Client’s order and the project.
  2. For the duration of the contractual relationship, the Client grants SysEleven the non-exclusive, transferable right to content restricted to the abovementioned purpose of using the Client’s logo and company name. More extensive use of the Client’s logo and company name is only permitted if the Client has consented to this use in advance.
  3. If the Client’s reference details (logo, company name) are used in SysEleven’s documents as print documents, previously produced documents may continue to be used after the end of the contractual relationship.

19. Non-solicitation clause

  1. The parties mutually agree to refrain from soliciting any employee from the other party either directly or indirectly during the contract term.
  2. Solicitation refers to influencing an employee bound by contract with the aim of motivating them to change their place of work.
  3. In each case of culpable breach of the above obligation by one of the parties, the other party is entitled to demand liquidated damages from the other party amounting to one year’s salary for the solicited employee, which must be reviewed for appropriateness by the Berlin District Court, unless the soliciting party is able to demonstrate that it did not solicit the employee.
  4. The right to assert other claims, in particular to injunction or damages, remains unaffected.

20. Final provisions

  1. If this contract contains regulatory gaps which need to be filled, or one or more provisions of the contract are or become invalid in whole or in part, the rest of the contract remains effective. For the cases described above, the contracting parties hereby agree to replace the invalid or missing regulation with a provision that comes as close as possible to the economic effect of the invalid regulation, such that the intended purpose of the contract can be achieved as far as possible or the gap is closed.
  2. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply exclusively to the contractual relationship between the parties and all associated rights and obligations, to the exclusion of regulations referring to other jurisdictions and to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  3. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for the contractual relationship between the parties and all associated rights and obligations is Berlin. The right of the parties to request temporary legal protection from their legal courts of competent jurisdiction remains unaffected by this jurisdiction clause.

21. Product-specific terms and conditions

The following product-specific conditions apply independently of the agreed service:

  1. SysEleven *aaS – Product-specific conditions for IT services in an as-a-service model
  2. SysEleven Managed Services – Product-specific terms for managed IT services

SysEleven *aaS – Product-specific conditions for IT services in an “as-a-service” model

Last updated: September 2024

1. General

  1. SysEleven GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “SysEleven”) is a subsidiary of secunet Security Networks AG and offers products and services (hereinafter referred to as “Services’) in the area of cloud services, web hosting, managed hosting in the B2B area. The client (hereinafter referred to as “the Client”) would like to make use of these services in accordance with the following contractual terms and conditions.
  2. The services are not intended for consumers as defined by Section 13 of the BGB. SysEleven reserves the right to request suitable proof of the classification of the Client as a business.
  3. These product-specific terms apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions of SysEleven.
  4. If provisions in the annexes contradict in whole or in part any provisions in the general section of the product-specific conditions for IT services in an as-a-service model, the provision in the annexes shall take priority.

2. Object of the contract

  1. SysEleven offers various IT services in an as-a-service model based on a model of shared responsibility. SysEleven’s area of responsibility encompasses supplying and updating the required platform, including the interfaces and services required for use.
  2. Clients can call up and return IT services via defined interfaces, or the services can be configured or return on the Client’s behalf. To this end, SysEleven provides interfaces and channels which allow the Client to flexibly manage resources.
  3. An upper threshold of the maximum usable resources is defined. This is referred to as the quota in the following. The quota level must ensure that processes under SysEleven’s responsibility are not negatively impacted. This quota can be changed by mutual agreement.
  4. The Client receives an administrative account to manage the service.

3. Cooperation of the customer

  1. The Client accepts sole responsibility for the configuration of the IT service, which can be modified using the interface, and the use of additional services. The Client confirms that it possesses the necessary technical knowledge in order to ensure correct administration of the IT service used by the Client.
  2. The Client is fully responsible for the software it installs. SysEleven is not involved in the administration of this software in any way.
  3. The Client is aware that it must be able to independently recover the condition of the service and the data managed therein at any time.
  4. Any replications of data as part of specific services are not to be seen as a backup to protect against loss of data.
  5. The Client is familiar with the documentation for the IT service.
  6. The Client is responsible for authorising access to the interface, IT service and the service itself.
  7. The Client is responsible for adjusting other security-related settings, e.g. configuring user rights, backup measures to ensure the integrity and availability of data and the security of the service.

4. Support

Where relevant, the Client has access to extensive online documentation as well as a knowledge database which includes instructions and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to assist in the use of the service.

1. Object of the contract

  1. SysEleven offers its clients computing, storage and network resources (hereinafter referred to as “Resources”) under the concept “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS).
  2. You can find more detailed information about the type and use of the infrastructure and services in the service catalogue for SysEleven OpenStack Cloud.

2. Support

SysEleven only provides support according to the support plans.


Service Catalogue SysEleven OpenStack Cloud

1. Object of the contract

The object of the contract is the provision of a function that generates dedicated database management systems (hereinafter referred to as “DBMS”) which the Client may access. It is the sole responsibility of the Client to manage each DBMS using configurations. The Client shall gain access to the Database-as-a-Service API (hereinafter referred to as “the Interface”), via which the Client can start and stop DBMS independently.

2. Support

For SysEleven DBaaS, product support is offered within the “Self-Service” plan.

1. Object of the contract

  1. With MetaKube Core, SysEleven offers a managed Kubernetes environment as a divided platform its clients. This allows clients to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in their projects without needing to install Kubernetes.
  2. For administration, SysEleven offers an Application Programming Interface (“MetaKube Core API”).
  3. MetaKube Core cannot operate as a stand-alone and requires the services of SysEleven OpenStack Cloud, which the Client must order separately.
  4. The respective responsibilities of SysEleven and the Client are described in the MetaKube Support Policies.

2. Support

SysEleven only provides support for MetaKube Core according to the MetaKube Support Policies and the support plans.


MetaKube Support Policies

1. Object of the contract

  1. The object of the contract is the option of installing a Kubernetes controller in a Kubernetes cluster using an Application Programming Interface (API).
  2. The Kubernetes controller enables access to a software catalogue managed by SysEleven and is able to configure and install individually selected software from this catalogue.
  3. The Client has access to a list of processes (hereinafter referred to as the workflow catalogue) with which it can test the software before roll-out.
  4. The services included in the catalogue are subject to lifecycle management (LCM) which is carried out by SysEleven in order to ensure that they always remain up-to-date and operational.
  5. The Client also receives its own software catalogue for registering its own software. SysEleven must consent to this registration and then takes over LCM for this registered software. If this software does not receive an update for more than three months, SysEleven reserves the right to remove it from the catalogue. The Client will be informed of this with advance notice of 30 days.
  6. MetaKube Accelerator cannot operate as a stand-alone and requires a Kubernetes cluster on which the software is installed.

2. Support

For SysEleven MetaKube Accelerator, product support is offered within the “Self-Service” plan.

SysEleven Managed Services – Product-specific terms for managed IT services

Last updated: September 2024

1. General

  1. SysEleven GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “SysEleven”) is a subsidiary of secunet Security Networks AG and offers products and services (hereinafter referred to as “Services’) in the area of cloud services, web hosting, managed services in the B2B area. The client (hereinafter referred to as “the Client”) would like to make use of these services in accordance with the following contractual terms and conditions.
  2. The services are not intended for consumers as defined by Section 13 of the BGB. SysEleven reserves the right to request suitable proof of the classification of the Client as a business.
  3. These product-specific terms apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions of SysEleven.

2. Object of the contract

  1. The object of the contract is the operation of software components and the performance of coordinated actions which are defined in an operating manual (hereinafter referred to as “Managed IT services”).
  2. The managed IT services may be initially installed and configured by SysEleven. If a previously existing IT service managed by the customer needs to be brought into operation, this installation will be reviewed by SysEleven before commissioning.
  3. SysEleven prepares backups of the data depending on the type of the managed service. Precise regulations in this regard can be found in the service descriptions for the specific IT services.
  4. The following applies for operating manuals:
    1. SysEleven provides a template to the customer for preparing the operating manual and assists the customer in filling the template.
    2. For the actions described in the operating manual which are performed by the SysEleven support team, the customer bears sole responsibility.
    3. For actions based on an operating manual, SysEleven ensures performance without guaranteeing the success of the described actions.
  5. During the operation of software components, SysEleven accepts responsibility for the availability of components and life-cycle management.
  6. If it is no longer possible to update the software, the status of the implemented software is “End of Life” (EOL). This leads to restrictions in the operational responsibility accepted by SysEleven and can lead to full transfer of operational responsibility onto the customer.
  7. If the mandatory prerequisites for operating the software are no longer fulfilled, SysEleven reserves the right of termination in this situation.
  8. SysEleven takes over operation under the framework of the agreed Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) and the relevant applicable service descriptions for operating the specific software components.

3. Terms of use

  1. To maintain availability of the services used by the customer, SysEleven may react to unforeseeable situations without consulting the customer and
    1. Change the configurations of the IT services or
    2. Restart the IT services
  2. The customer agrees to invoicing based on working hours performed according to the price list, plus any material costs incurred for the implementation of these measures. During performance, SysEleven will endeavour to maintain a reasonable balance between the contract value and the costs of implementation along with any follow-up costs.
  3. The customer is only permitted to install applications or configure settings in coordination with SysEleven GmbH.
  4. The customer releases SysEleven from the duty of preparing backups if implementation is not possible at the scheduled intervals due to the nature and volume of data.
  5. Support is available 8 hours a day, 5 days a week during service hours for IT services in dev and stage environments.

4. Cooperation of the customer

Managed IT services are offered by SysEleven based on a model of shared responsibility. SysEleven is responsible for the administration of the IT services stated in the quotation and managed by SysEleven. Responsibility for all remaining IT services (e.g. customer application) of the setups remains fully with the customer.


SysEleven Service Level Agreement

Last updated: September 2024

1. General

  1. SysEleven GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “SysEleven”) is a subsidiary of secunet Security Networks AG and offers products and services (hereinafter referred to as “Services’) in the area of cloud services, web hosting, managed services in the B2B area. The client (hereinafter referred to as “the Client”) would like to make use of these services in accordance with the following contractual terms and conditions.
  2. The services are not intended for consumers as defined by Section 13 of the BGB. SysEleven reserves the right to request suitable proof of the classification of the Client as a business.
  3. This SLA applies in addition to the General Terms and Conditions provided to the Client as well as the product-specific conditions of SysEleven wherever relevant.
  4. If provisions in the annexes contradict in whole or in part any provisions in the general section of this Service Level Agreement, the provision in the annexes shall take priority.

2. Object of the contract

  1. The object of this SLA is the definition of performance parameters (“Service level objectives”) to measure and control the quality of the IT services performed according to the contrast, as well as the definition of measures in the event of malfunctions and non-fulfilment of the agreed service level.
  2. The SLOs to be fulfilled according to the individual contracts are separately outlined in detail in the annexes.
  3. Insofar as SysEleven prepares backups for the contractually defined IT services according to the service descriptions, SysEleven uses these to restore the condition after a breakdown if required. If the backups are not available for reasons owing to the Client’s responsibility, SysEleven is released from the obligations of this SLA in the event of any need to recover the condition before the breakdown.
  4. Any specified availability applies in the specified scope for a review period of 12 months unless deviating agreements are made for specific services. For services that are billed as on-demand, the review period is the calendar month.
  5. Troubleshooting under the framework of any optionally agreed operating manual is not included in these regulations.

3. Error classes in the event of malfunctions

The contractor will eliminate malfunctions occurring in the IT services based on the following regulations.

  1. Faults are divided into the following categories by the Client at its due discretion, while considering the contractor’s interests:
    1. Category A (very high priority): A malfunction preventing operation that lasts for longer than 5 minutes and is not caused by the Client for which no alternative solution is available. This leads to a considerable impairment of the Client’s services in the production environment. There is no option of generating and/or using substitute instances of the service.
    2. Category B (high priority): Like Category A, but with only a partial impairment of the Client’s services.
    3. Category C (normal priority): Like Category A, but with only a minor impairment or for which a temporary substitute solution is available. The Client’s services can continue operation for the most part.
    4. Category D (low priority): Like Category C, but with no impairment or only a minor impairment of the Client’s services.
  1. It is up to the due discretion of SysEleven to choose which methods to apply when rectifying a malfunction. If SysEleven determines that the malfunction cannot be successfully rectified in the specified time interval, the Client will immediately be notified of the additional time required to rectify the malfunction.
  2. If malfunctions in Category A or B are present, SysEleven will provide a work-around solution within the rectification period until complete rectification of the malfunction if these malfunctions cannot be remedied within that period.

4. Service level objectives

  1. SysEleven only guarantees service level objectives (hereinafter referred to as “SLOs”) for the Client’s production environments, not for dev and stage environments.
  2. The specified availabilities do not apply if the environment chosen the Client (for example a region) is affected by a total breakdown and the Client has not accepted or performed a potential expansion of the environment (for example two regions) at the same time, which would have prevented a breakdown of the Client’s services.
  3. Unless otherwise agreed in the individual contract, the following applies:
    1. SysEleven acts according to its due discretion and orients prioritization decisions based on the urgency and impact of the malfunction wherever possible.
    2. Work to rectify the malfunction begins as quickly as possible.
    3. Clients can request information about the progress of work at a central office.
  4. There is no guaranteed time period for recovery
  5. In addition, SysEleven offers specific service level objectives (SLO), which are described in further detail in the annexes for each IT service.
  6. Regarding stated availabilities, the following applies:
    1. SysEleven does not guarantee any availability for IT services not administrated by SysEleven.
    2. SysEleven does not guarantee any availability for IT services operated by SysEleven without a redundant design.

5. Calculating availability

If SysEleven has specified an SLO for the target availability of an IT service, this applies as an average for the time period in question.

The availability actually achieved is calculated as follows, whereby the entire time corresponds to the agreed time frame and the downtime in minutes:

Availability in %= 100 * (Total time-downtime) / Total time

6. Availability report

SysEleven provides a status page for tracking and SysEleven monitors the functionality of the services. In the event of a malfunction, SysEleven informs the contact person defined by the Client according to the best effort principle, allowing the Client to check whether they are affected and to adopt corresponding measured. Upon recovery of the service, the Client will also be informed.

7. Downtime

  1. An malfunction occurs when a service does not work as contractually agreed.
  2. The period during which the IT services is affected by a Category A malfunction in productive operation. The downtime is stated in minutes.
  3. The required time to feed in the Client’s data does not count as downtime.
  4. The downtime is measured starting with the receipt of the alarm message in SysEleven’s monitoring system or the Client’s notification via the standard reporting channel.
  5. The downtime ends as soon as SysEleven has eliminated the malfunction and the Client has been notified by e-mail or phone that the malfunction was rectified. Recovery of the service is also considered notification of malfunction elimination. SysEleven eliminates malfunctions based on the best effort principle.
  6. As a rule, downtimes are excluded which are demonstrably attributed to errors of the software manufacturer, unless SysEleven GmbH is also the software manufacturer. SysEleven will adopt economically appropriate measures to detect errors of the software manufacturer at an early stage.
  7. The downtimes are not affected by malfunctions which
    1. are caused by changes to the network infrastructure that were not carried out by SysEleven GmbH and are therefore not within its sphere of influence (e.g. routing on the Internet).
    2. occur due to modifications performed by the Client independently there were not inspected or approved by SysEleven.
    3. which are attributed to the general operating risk of an internet connection, for example impairments due to DDoS attacks.
  8. The following are not considered malfunctions:
    1. Malfunctions reported by the Client although no malfunction was present.
    2. Periods in which
      1. scheduled maintenance work was performed after prior announcement
      2. or unscheduled but urgently required maintenance work was conducted.
    3. Restrictions or breakdowns in services which 
      1. occur due to unusual use of the IT service by the Client
      2. were trigged by modifications that were carried out by the Client improperly or in a manner that influenced productive operation
      3. were caused by changes made by SysEleven on behalf of the Client. In principle, when executing changes it is possible for known, unavoidable malfunctions to occur, for instance when restarting services, or for unknown reasons
      4. are caused by a lack of performance capacity in the available technical resources (e.g. RAM) for ordinary operation of the application, and which the Client does not expand or engage another party to expand despite corresponding notifications from SysEleven.

8. Credit

If SysEleven does not fulfil its own quality commitments, SysEleven will voluntarily grant the Client a credit based on the following definition:

  1. If no availability was stated for an IT service, no credit will be granted.
  2. The Client’s entitlement to credit due to non-fulfilment of the target availability for the service is based on the average availability achieved in the period under consideration. Credits are then granted only for those months which fell below the specified availability.
  3. To calculate the credit, the measurements and drawings carried out by SysEleven will be used as the exclusive basis. The amount of credits for each affected contract is limited to 25% of the calculated contract value for the unavailable service.
  4. Credits are granted for services paid in advance or granted retroactively, after the use of billed services, and the amount is determined differently in each case.
    1. Services paid in advance: Credits are accounted for as follows

Difference between achieved availability and target availability of service in %

Credit in % of the amount invoiced in advance

Less than or equal to 10%


Greater than 10%


  1. Services called off on demand: Credits are accounted for as follows

Difference between achieved availability and target availability of service in %

Credit in % of average invoice amounts for this service in the past three months

Less than or equal to 10%


Greater than 10%


  1. Credits are deducted in the following month from the costs of use for the same service. If the credit exceeds these costs, the remaining amount is forfeited.
  2. Credits are exclusively granted for the service directly affected by the malfunction. For additional services that make use of the malfunctioning service and therefore fail to deliver the expected search results, no credit is granted.

9. Standard reporting channel

The Client must report malfunctions via email to or via the ticket system. In both cases, the malfunction report must also be submitted by phone using SysEleven’s emergency numbers:

  • +49 30 233 2012 30 (during service hours) or
  • +49 30 609 89 22 11 (emergency hotline 24/7)


  • Annex 1: Service level agreement for infrastructure
  • Annex 2: Service level agreement for managed IT services
  • Annex 3: Service level agreement for IT services using “as a service” model
  • Annex 4: Definitions

1. General

This SLA applies in addition to the SysEleven Service Level Agreement.

2. Object of the contract

  1. The following SLOs apply for the connection of regions to the WAN/Internet and govern the availability of the infrastructure in the data centres.
  2. SysEleven guarantees a redundant connection to the WAN/Internet for each data centre and for each region.
  3. All infrastructure in the data centres is designed in a redundant manner.

3. Service level objectives

  1. Availability for infrastructure in data centres on average 99.9%
  2. Availability for WAN/Internet on average 99.9%
  3. SysEleven reacts to malfunctions in Category A and B during service hours within 30 minutes. Outside of service hours, within 60 minutes.

1. General

This SLA applies in addition to the SysEleven Service Level Agreement

2. Object of the contract

  1. The following SLOs apply in general for IT services that are operated by SysEleven on the Client’s behalf. This excludes the offer of managed hosting (PVC), for which separate SLA agreements are provided.
  2. Operation of IT services in a Client environment is based on the model of shared responsibility. Where available, the modes of collaboration and distribution of responsibilities between the Client or agency and SysEleven are described in detail in the specific support policies. Components of the setup that are operated by the Client are excluded from SysEleven’s area of responsibility.

3. Service level objectives

SysEleven offers SLA variants that feature differing SLOs.

  1. Reaction times during service hours


Error class category







Best effort


1 hour

2 hours

4 hours


30 minutes

1 hour

2 hours

4 hours

  1. Reaction times outside of service hours


Error class category







Best effort


4 hours

Next Business Day


60 minutes

2 hours

4 hours

Next Business Day

  1. Additional time window


Start of work

Recovery time after start of work


During service hours

Outside of service hours

During service hours

Outside of service hours


4 hours

Best effort


1 hour

2 hours

5 hours

8 hours


30 minutes

1 hour

3 hours

5 hours

  1. Availabilities


Single instances

Redundant instances









  1. Alerting




SysEleven reacts to a malfunction report from the Client via the standard reporting channel during service hours


SysEleven reacts 24/7 to malfunction reports from the Client via the standard reporting channel during service hours


SysEleven reacts proactively to malfunction reports from the monitoring system and informs the Client

  1. Only for SLA Priority the following also applies
    1. 24/7 Troubleshooting for software installed by Client according to operating manual [1]
    2. The elimination of malfunctions is carried out with priority over malfunctions with a lower SLA.


  1. MetaKube Editions Support Policies (MKE.SPP.xx/de)

[1] Additional costs are incurred.

1. General

This SLA applies in addition to the SysEleven Service Level Agreement

2. Object of the contract

  1. The following SLOs apply for the use of IT services using an “as a service” model, hereinafter referred to as “aaS”.

3. Service level objectives

  1. IT services offer as aaS are designed to install, operate or use applications in distributed setups. Necessary IT services in this context are configured independently by the Client. For this reason, SysEleven only indicates target availabilities for interfaces operated by SysEleven that are offered to the Client for use. The Client configures its setup to achieve the target availability as far as calculations are concerned. This can occur for example by distributing the workload across multiple virtual servers, data centres or regions. For this purpose, SysEleven offers its services in multiple availability zones to meet the highest customer requirements for availability.
  2. The availability of interfaces is 99.9% in general, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  3. The SLOs for the IT services offered in the SysEleven OpenStack Cloud can be found in the service catalogue of the SysEleven OpenStack Cloud.

1. Service level

The service level is the description of the nature and scope of the service, its quality and availability.

2. Year

A period of 365 calendar days of 8,760 hours in which the service is performed. The first year starts with the day that the service is provided ready for operation and ends 365 days later.

3. Recovery time

The recovery time is the period within which the IT service is restored to its initial condition under the responsibility of SysEleven. Recovery of the condition at the time of malfunction, e.g. by feeding in Client data from a backup, is not included.

The period of time corresponding to the condition at the time of malfunction depends on the type and scope of data in the Client setup and the collaboration of the Client, and can therefore not be defined in a generally applicable manner.

4. Reaction time

Refers to the time that passes when a malfunction report is submitted until confirmation by an employee authorized by SysEleven.

5. Start of work

Defined as the time which may pass after the reaction response from SysEleven until troubleshooting work begins.

6. Malfunctions (incidents)

A malfunction (incident) involves an unplanned interruption or reduction in quality of a service.

7. Contract value

For invoice items paid in advance on a monthly basis, the contract value is the amount due monthly for the IT service that is performed.

8. Service hours

The service hours correspond to normal office hours and apply from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding legal holidays in Berlin. SysEleven reserves the right to adjust the service hours after prior announcement.

9. Night and weekend hours

All hours outside the defined service hours (see above).

10. Best effort

SysEleven endeavours to achieve the best possible results given the available technical opportunities and resources.

11. Replacement solution

Replacement solutions refer to all services that are maintained as redundant by SysEleven (including those in other regions) or alternatives offered specifically in the event of a malfunction which eliminate the impact of a malfunction in error class A or minimize the impact such that error class A no longer applies.

A replacement solution is also present if the control level allows the Client to establish new instances of the software affected by a malfunction and to feed in its data.

12. Dev environment

Dev environment refers to those software installations that the Client uses to develop the production environment with the help of developers.

13. Stage environment

Stage environments are used to adopt changes in the production environment. These can be used by the Client as well as SysEleven for testing purposes.

14. Production environment

The production environment encompasses all software installed by the Client, or by SysEleven on the Client’s behalf, that is needed to provide the Client’s service.

15. Control level

Control level refers to the interfaces used by the Client to set up and modify its environments.

16. Service transfer point

The service transfer point defines the point at which SysEleven’s area of responsibility ends. As a rule, this is the communication interface of a software on which the software can be used.

17. Emergency

A malfunction in Category A.

[1] Additional costs are incurred